
Journal articles

Bilić, Paško and Thomas Allmer. 2024. Critical Sociology of Media and Communication: Connecting a Disconnected Field. Introduction to the Symposium. Critical Sociology 50 (4-5): 581-888. (open access)

Fuchs, Christian, Sevda Can Arslan and Thomas Allmer. 2024. Critical Perspectives on Digital Capitalism: Theories and Praxis. Introduction to the Special Issue. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique 22 (1): 140-147. (open access)

Allmer, Thomas. 2019. Academic Labour, Digital Media and Capitalism. Critical Sociology 45 (4-5): 599-615. click for PDF

Allmer, Thomas. 2018. ‘I Am a Single Mum. I Don’t Feel Like I Can Be as Competitive as Other People’: Experiences of Precariously Employed Staff at UK Universities. Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation 12 (1): 62-77. (open access)

Allmer, Thomas. 2019. Sono una madre single. Non sento di poter essere competitiva quanto altri: esperienze di personale precario nelle università del Regno Unito. Translated by Gloria Dagnin. Studies in Communication Sciences 19 (2): 189-203. (Italian translation)

Allmer, Thomas. 2018. Precarious, Always-on and Flexible: A Case Study of Academics as Information Workers. European Journal of Communication 33 (4): 381-395. click for PDF

Allmer, Thomas. 2018. Theorising and Analysing Academic Labour. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique 16 (1): 49-77. (open access)

Allmer, Thomas. 2018. Teorizando y analizando el trabajo académico. Revista Hipertextos. Capitalismo, Técnica y Sociedad en debate 6 (10): 12-56. click for PDF (Spanish translation)

Allmer, Thomas and Ergin Bulut. 2018. Introduction: Academic Labour, Digital Media and Capitalism. Special Issue of tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique 16 (1): 44-48. (open access)

Sandoval, Marisol, Christian Fuchs, Jernej Amon Prodnik, Sebastian Sevignani and Thomas Allmer. 2014. Introduction: Philosophers of the World Unite! Theorising Digital Labour and Virtual Work—Definitions, Dimensions, and Forms. Special Issue of tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique 12 (2): 464-467. (open access)

Allmer, Thomas. 2014. (Dis)Like Facebook? Dialectical and Critical Perspectives on Social Media. Javnost – The Public: Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture 21 (2): 39-55. click for PDF

Allmer, Thomas. 2013. Critical Internet Privacy Studies. Fast Capitalism 10 (1). click for URL (open access)

Allmer, Thomas. 2011. Critical Surveillance Studies in the Information Society. tripleC: Cognition, Communication & Co-operation 9 (2): 566-592. (open access)

Allmer, Thomas. 2011. A Critical Contribution to Theoretical Foundations of Privacy Studies. Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society 9 (2): 83-101. click for PDF

Book chapters

Allmer, Thomas. 2019. Foreword. In Digital Labour, Society and the Politics of Sensibilities, edited by Adrian Scribano and Pedro Lisdero, v-vi. London: Palgrave Macmillan. click for PDF

Allmer, Thomas, Sebastian Sevignani and Jernej Amon Prodnik. 2015. Mapping Approaches to User Participation and Digital Labour: A Critical Perspective. In Reconsidering Value and Labour in the Digital Age, edited by Eran Fisher and Christian Fuchs, 153-171. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. click for PDF

Allmer, Thomas, Christian Fuchs, Verena Kreilinger and Sebastian Sevignani. 2014. Social Networking Sites in the Surveillance Society: Critical Perspectives and Empirical Findings. In Media, Surveillance and Identity: Social Perspectives, edited by André Jansson and Miyase Christensen, 49-70. New York: Peter Lang. click for PDF

Sevignani, Sebastian, Robert Prey, Marisol Sandoval, Thomas Allmer, Jernej Amon Prodnik and Verena Kreilinger. 2014. Critical Studies of Contemporary Informational Capitalism: The Perspective of Emerging Scholars. In Critique, Social Media & the Information Society, edited by Christian Fuchs and Marisol Sandoval, 76-90. New York: Routledge. click for PDF

Allmer, Thomas. 2012. Critical Internet Surveillance Studies and Economic Surveillance. In Internet and Surveillance: The Challenges of Web 2.0 and Social Media, edited by Christian Fuchs, Kees Boersma, Anders Albrechtslund and Marisol Sandoval, 124-143. New York: Routledge. click for PDF

Sandoval, Marisol, Sebastian Sevignani, Alexander Rehbogen, Thomas Allmer, Matthias Hager and Verena Kreilinger. 2011. Einleitung. In Bildung MACHT Gesellschaft, edited by Marisol Sandoval, Sebastian Sevignani, Alexander Rehbogen, Thomas Allmer, Matthias Hager and Verena Kreilinger, 12-23. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot. click for PDF (in German)

Book reviews

Allmer, Thomas. 2019. Book Review of ‘Social Media and Everyday Politics’ by Tim Highfield. Concept: The Journal of Contemporary Community Education Practice Theory 10 (2): 1-2. click for PDF

Allmer, Thomas. 2017. Book Review of ‘PostCapitalism: A Guide to Our Future’ by Paul Mason. Concept: The Journal of Contemporary Community Education Practice Theory 8 (2): 1-4. click for PDF

Allmer, Thomas. 2016. Book Review of ‘Critical Learning in Digital Networks’ by Petar Jandrić and Damir Boras. Concept: The Journal of Contemporary Community Education Practice Theory 7 (1): 1-3. click for PDF

Allmer, Thomas. 2014. Book Review of ‘Social Media as Surveillance: Rethinking Visibility in a Converging World’ by Daniel Trottier. European Journal of Communication 29 (3): 376-379. click for PDF

Sandoval, Marisol and Thomas Allmer. 2009. Book Review of ‘Social Networking Sites and the Surveillance Society’ by Christian Fuchs. American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers 9 (1): 40-42. click for PDF


tripleC-Interview with Graham Murdock. Critical Political Economy of Culture and Communication. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique 22 (1): 60-85, 2024. (open access)

tripleC-Interview with Kerem Schamberger about Occupational Bans, Left-Wing Communication Studies and Critique of German Academia. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique 15 (1): 82-90, 2017. (English version, open access)

tripleC-Interview mit Kerem Schamberger über Berufsverbote, linke Kommunikationswissenschaft und Kritik an der deutschen Wissenschaftslandschaft. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique 15 (1): 91-99, 2017. (German version, open access)

Research reports

Allmer, Thomas. 2012. Research Design & Data Analysis, Presentation, and Interpretation: Part One. Vienna: Unified Theory of Information Research Group. SNS3 Research Paper No. 12. ISSN 2219-603X. click for PDF

Allmer, Thomas. 2011. Towards a Critical Theory of Surveillance Studies. Vienna: Unified Theory of Information Research Group. SNS3 Research Paper No. 11. ISSN 2219-603X. click for PDF

Sevignani, Sebastian, Verena Kreilinger, Thomas Allmer and Christian Fuchs. 2011. Analysis of Existing Empirical Research Methods for Studying (Online) Privacy and Surveillance. Vienna: Unified Theory of Information Research Group. SNS3 Research Paper No. 10. ISSN 2219-603X. click for PDF

Allmer, Thomas. 2010. Critical Privacy Studies and the Internet. Vienna: Unified Theory of Information Research Group. SNS3 Research Paper No. 5. ISSN 2219-603X. click for PDF

Allmer, Thomas. 2010. Critical Internet Surveillance Studies and Economic Surveillance. Vienna: Unified Theory of Information Research Group. SNS3 Research Paper No. 4. ISSN 2219-603X. click for PDF

Newspaper articles

Allmer, Thomas. 2017. Zero-Hour Contracts are Turning University Lecturers Off the Job. The Conversation, 7 September. click for URL (open access)

Allmer, Thomas. 2015. Privatsphäre als Privileg: Der US-Rechtswissenschaftler Frank Pasquale ist dem Klassenwiderspruch in der digitalen Gesellschaft auf der Spur. junge Welt, 3 September, Feuilleton, 10. click for PDF (in German)

Allmer, Thomas, Verena Kreilinger and Sebastian Sevignani. 2010. Sind Sie schon paranoid genug? Volksstimme, November.

Sandoval, Marisol, Thomas Allmer, Sebastian Sevignani and Verena Kreilinger. 2010. Die unibrennt noch nicht genug! Kapitalistische Universitäten, Studierendenproteste und Perspektiven emanzipatorischer Bildung. Uni:Press, 8-10. click for PDF (in German)